Myofunctional Therapy in Kingston, ON

Myofunctional Therapy Near You

Did you know dentists can assist patients with matters outside their traditional duties?

Other parts of our bodies can impact our oral health, namely our tongue, lips, oral cavity, and face. Injury in these areas can trigger damage to our smiles, which, in turn, can negatively impact our general well-being.

Our staff here at Auburn Park Family Dentistry is at your disposal. We can provide whatever treatment you need to get back to enjoying the little things in life, like eating your favorite treats and laughing with your loved ones. Please call us today!

myofunctional therapy near you in kingston

Looking Closer

Orofacial myofunctional therapy (OMT), or myofunctional therapy for short, refers to treating dysfunction and disorders that harm the structure of your mouth and face. Refining, and therefore, improving the way you speak, breathe, chew, and swallow, is the main focus of this avenue of care. By doing so, you can eliminate unhealthy behaviors and improve your health.

Common issues that myofunctional therapy near you can fix are:

  1. Snoring
  2. Tongue thrust (aka atypical swallowing)
  3. Nail biting
  4. Thumb sucking
  5. Tongue and lip tie
  6. TMD pain

Dentists who offer oral myofunctional therapy near you are dedicated to addressing the underlying issues of the symptoms you experience. They are there to help alleviate all dysfunction and pain.

When you attend a consultation, your dentist will closely examine your smile and oral cavity and perform an OMT assessment to determine the specifics of your case. This may include breaking down your medical history, taking x-rays, and feeling along your jaw and neck for lumps. A treatment plan that’s tailored to your requirements will be devised.

Listen to the instructions your dentist in Kingston provides, and be sure to attend your routine checkups so they can monitor your progress and how your body is recovering.

Contact Our Experts for Reliable Care

If you need specialized care that’s affordable and effective, we encourage you to come into our dental clinic and talk to a team member. We believe that looking after the whole person, not just their oral health, will benefit their life presently and in the future. Let us know if you have concerns or injuries about our services, including myofunctional therapy.

We anticipate your visit very much!
